Tebrikler sınavı tamamladınız.
Size verilen %%TIME_ALLOWED%% saniye içerisinde, %%TIME_USED%% saniye kullanarak sınavı tamamladınız.
Toplam %%TOTAL%% soru üzerinden %%SCORE%% DOĞRU cevap ve %%WRONG_ANSWERS%% YANLIŞ cevabınız bulunmaktadır.
Hakkınızdaki düşüncemiz %%RATING%%
Yanıtlarınız aşağıdaki gibidir.
Soru 1 |
Gizem: What did you do last night?
Fatih: _________
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
I went out with my friends. | |
I played computer games. | |
I watched a film on TV. | |
I did my homework. |
Soru 2 |
Ali: She is quite generous. She always helps the poor.
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
What does your mother look like? | |
What is your teacher like? | |
What does your brother look like? | |
Where is your best friend?
Soru 3 |
I____ born in 1950 in Istanbul. I____ 67 years old now.
Boş bırakılan yerlere hangileri gelir ?
was / am | |
were / am | |
was / was | |
am / were |
Soru 4 |
Dodo birds are ________ animals.
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
extinct | |
endangered | |
poisonous | |
domestic |
Soru 5 |
A : _______ was he born ?
B : in 1938.
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
Where | |
When | |
What time | |
Which |
Soru 6 |
They are watching a ___________on TV now.
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
match | |
documentary | |
cartoon | |
game show
Soru 7 |
________ are cold-blooded animals such as turtles, lizards, snakes and crocodiles, etc.
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
Domestic animals | |
Reptiles | |
Wild animals | |
Endangered animals
Soru 8 |
Yesterday, I was ill, so I ______ to the hospital.
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
goes | |
going | |
go | |
went |
Soru 9 |
They _____ at the library yesterday.
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
are | |
were | |
is | |
was |
Soru 10 |
They went to Antalya four days ________
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
before | |
last | |
ago | |
yesterday |
Soru 11 |
You are very ________ You never change your mind or ideas.
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
generous | |
stubborn | |
thoughtful | |
easy-going |
Soru 12 |
My mother and I go __________ every weekend.
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
skating | |
scuba-diving | |
horse-riding | |
bungee jumping |
Soru 13 |
I think bungee jumping is______ than swimming, so you should be careful.
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
more dangerous | |
easier | |
healthier | |
more important |
Soru 14 |
A : ______ do you go to cinema ?
B : Once a month.
Boş bırakılan yere hangisi gelir ?
Hof often | |
When | |
Where | |
Why |
Soru 15 |
- Go
- Cry
- Watch
goes - cring - watching | |
went - cried - watched | |
going - cry - watches | |
goed - cryed - watched |
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